Modus Mobility Office coordinator
Modus Mobility
Modus Mobility Office coordinator
Modus Mobility
Modus Mobility Office coordinator
Modus Mobility

Modus Mobility Office coordinator

Modus Mobility

Mėnesinis bruto atlyginimasBruto/mėn.  € 1100 - 1400


    Vilnius, Vilniaus apskritis, Lietuva


  • Visa darbo diena


  •  Lietuvių
Kontaktinis asmuo
Lina Kareckienė

Modus Mobility strives to provide smart mobility solutions to increasingly faster-living society and cities moving towards greener future needs. Moreover, the company seeks to reimagine the perception of mobility across Europe. Modus Mobility unites three strong mobility brands: CityBee one of the largest car sharing providers in Europe, MyBee the only fully digital car subscription provider, and Mobility Fleet Solutions a fleet management company of the above brands. Together these brands form an ecosystem that gives each of the brands unparalleled advantage and a smooth experience for customers.

Įmonės tinklalapishttps://www.modus.group/